حكم رويا صابرى نژاد شهروند انگليسى – ايرانى
به هفت سال تقليل يافته و به زندان اوين منتقل شده است
English is attached
رويا صابرى نژاد نوبخت, زنى كه شهروند انگلستان نيز ميباشد و ابتدا به بيست سال زندان در ايران محكوم شده بود همراه با تعدادى ديگر از فعالين سايبرى چندي پيش تجديد محاكمه شده و بنابر اخبار حكمش به هفت سال تقليل يافته است. كما اينكه خبر تجديد محاكمه رويا چند ماه قبل انتشار يافت اما تا حال هيچگونه حكم كتبى در رابطه با تقليل حكمش ابلاغ نگرديده است و شفاها به او گفته اند حكمش به هفت سال تغيير كرده است. در عين حال, سه ماه پيش رويا صابري نژاد را از زندان شهر رى به زندان اوين منتقل كردند. رويا ماهها در زندان زنان شهر رى نگه دارى شد. زندان شهر رى زندان زنانى است كه عمدتا به جرم مواد مخدر وقتل دستگير شده در شرايط بسيار غير انسانى نگهداري ميشوند و روزانه مورد ضرب و شتم و توهين مامورين زندان قرار ميگيرند.
به هفت سال تقليل يافته و به زندان اوين منتقل شده است
English is attached
رويا صابرى نژاد نوبخت, زنى كه شهروند انگلستان نيز ميباشد و ابتدا به بيست سال زندان در ايران محكوم شده بود همراه با تعدادى ديگر از فعالين سايبرى چندي پيش تجديد محاكمه شده و بنابر اخبار حكمش به هفت سال تقليل يافته است. كما اينكه خبر تجديد محاكمه رويا چند ماه قبل انتشار يافت اما تا حال هيچگونه حكم كتبى در رابطه با تقليل حكمش ابلاغ نگرديده است و شفاها به او گفته اند حكمش به هفت سال تغيير كرده است. در عين حال, سه ماه پيش رويا صابري نژاد را از زندان شهر رى به زندان اوين منتقل كردند. رويا ماهها در زندان زنان شهر رى نگه دارى شد. زندان شهر رى زندان زنانى است كه عمدتا به جرم مواد مخدر وقتل دستگير شده در شرايط بسيار غير انسانى نگهداري ميشوند و روزانه مورد ضرب و شتم و توهين مامورين زندان قرار ميگيرند.
لازم به ياد اورى است كه رويا در ماه اكتبر ٢٠١٣ جهت ديدار خانواده اش به
ايران ميرود و يك هفته پس از ورودش به ايران در شيراز دستگير ميشود. رژيم
رويا را به جرم اينكه در صفحه فيس بوك خود در مورد رژيم نوشته است باز داشت
كرد و در تاريخ چهاردهم آوريل ٢٠١٤, پس از پنج ماه شكنجه و فشار , به
بيست سال زندان محكوم نمود. جرم رويا از سوى رژيم به قرار زير اعلام
گرديد: " توطئه علیه امنیت ملی" و " توهین به مقدسات دین اسلام". در
دادگاه فرمايشى رويا به وكيلش گفته شد كه حق صحبت كردن و دفاع از موكلش را
ندارد. رويا به همراه هفت نفر ديگر به جرم فعاليت سايبرى از سوى بيدادگاه
رژيم در مجموع به ١٢٣ سال زندان محكوم شدند. رويا در طول مدت زندان تحت
شكنجه هاي جسمى و روانى قرار گرفته است, از جمله, او را از دسترسى منظم
به داروهاى ضروريش محروم كردند, او را مجبور كردند در حاليكه لباسهاى خيس
بر تن دارد ساعتها در هواي سرد زمستان در حياط زندان بياستد و در نتيجه اين
فشار رويا دچار ناراحتى كليوى گرديده است. او را در سلول انفرادى نگه
داشته و ساعتهاى متوالى او را تحت بازجويى قراد داده و مورد اهانت و ضرب و
شتم قرار دادند.
رويا صابرى نژاد در سال ٢٠٠٧ به انگلستان آمد و در ستاكپورت منچستر انگلستان به همراه همسرش زندگى ميكرد. تعداد زيادي از رسانه هاى انگلستان دستگيري رويا را منعكس كرده اند اما متاسفانه دولت انگلستان هيچگونه تلاش جدى براي آزادى رويا انجام نداده است.
ما از شما دعوت ميكنيم به حمايت از رويا ادامه بدهيد, طومار حمايتى را امضا كرده و به دولت انگلستان فشار بياوريد تا سريعا جهت آزادى رويا اقدام نمايند.
براى اطلاعات بيشتر با شيوا محبوبى , سخنگوى كمپينن " رويا را آزاد كنيد" تماس بگيريد:
shiva.mahbobi@gmail.com / 07572356661
كارزار " رويا را آزاد كنيد"
سيزدهم جولاى ٢٠١٥
Roya Saberinejad the British woman in prison in Iran
is transferred to Evin prison
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht, a British-Iranian citizen who has been in prison in Iran since October 2013 was retried and she was told that her sentence has been reduced to 7 years. She was only informed verbally about the reduction of her sentence; the court has not given her or her family any written letter confirming her new sentence.
Roya was also transferred from Shahre Ray prison to Evin prison three months ago. Roya was kept in Shahre Ray prison for several months. Shahre Ray prison is a notorious women’s prison which is known for its cruel condition where the inmates are mainly women who are arrested for drug use and murder and their condition is unspeakably inhuman, the inmates are regularly attacked and beaten by prison guards and many of them suffer from severe mental health conditions but they are not provided with any treatment. Regime transferred Roya Saberinejad to this prison to exert further pressure.
Bbackground information:
On 14 April 2014, after being incarcerated & tortured in the notorious Evin prison for 5 months, Roya Saberinejad was sentenced to 20 years. During the trial her lawyer was present but not allowed to speak on her behalf.
Her “crime” was expressing views about Iran’s Islamic régime on her Facebook page. She was charged with "gathering and participation with intent to commit crimes against national security" and "insulting Islamic sanctities", a crime which is punishable by death. For that, she was, along with 6 men & 1 other woman, sentenced by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to a total of 123 years.
She was subjected to physical and psychological torture, insults and humiliation, she was deprived of regular access to her medication, forced to stand outside in winter, in the cold, wearing wet clothes which have resulted in kidney problems. She was refused essential medication and was held in solitary confinement and was subjected to interrogation lasting several hours.
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht joined her husband in Stockport - Manchester in 2007. She was arrested in October 2013 while visiting her family in Iran.
Despite all the serious concerns, the British government has not taken any serious action to free Roya. It is the responsibility of the British Government to put pressure on the regime in Iran to release Roya Saberinejad Nobakht immediately and unconditionally.
Ways to help:
SIGN HER PETITION: http://chn.ge/1m9WZ7Y
LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/freeroyanow
WRITE TO: (sample letter is provided)
Philip Hammond, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs-UK on hammondp@parliament.uk
TO: The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
We, the undersigned, express our concern for the plight of Roya Saberinejad Nobakht, 48, a British citizen who has been in prison in Iran since October 2013 and was sentenced to 20 years in prison for posting an anti-government comment on Facebook. She has been subjected to physical and psychological torture in prison.
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht is a British citizen and the British government has a duty of care for her.
We request that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put pressure on the regime in Iran to release Roya Saberinejad Nobakht immediately.
Name: City/ Constituency
Free Roya Now campaign
For more information please contact:
Shiva Mahobi, Email: shiva.mahbobi@gmail.com , Tel: 07572356661
رويا صابرى نژاد در سال ٢٠٠٧ به انگلستان آمد و در ستاكپورت منچستر انگلستان به همراه همسرش زندگى ميكرد. تعداد زيادي از رسانه هاى انگلستان دستگيري رويا را منعكس كرده اند اما متاسفانه دولت انگلستان هيچگونه تلاش جدى براي آزادى رويا انجام نداده است.
ما از شما دعوت ميكنيم به حمايت از رويا ادامه بدهيد, طومار حمايتى را امضا كرده و به دولت انگلستان فشار بياوريد تا سريعا جهت آزادى رويا اقدام نمايند.
براى اطلاعات بيشتر با شيوا محبوبى , سخنگوى كمپينن " رويا را آزاد كنيد" تماس بگيريد:
shiva.mahbobi@gmail.com / 07572356661
كارزار " رويا را آزاد كنيد"
سيزدهم جولاى ٢٠١٥
Roya Saberinejad the British woman in prison in Iran
is transferred to Evin prison
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht, a British-Iranian citizen who has been in prison in Iran since October 2013 was retried and she was told that her sentence has been reduced to 7 years. She was only informed verbally about the reduction of her sentence; the court has not given her or her family any written letter confirming her new sentence.
Roya was also transferred from Shahre Ray prison to Evin prison three months ago. Roya was kept in Shahre Ray prison for several months. Shahre Ray prison is a notorious women’s prison which is known for its cruel condition where the inmates are mainly women who are arrested for drug use and murder and their condition is unspeakably inhuman, the inmates are regularly attacked and beaten by prison guards and many of them suffer from severe mental health conditions but they are not provided with any treatment. Regime transferred Roya Saberinejad to this prison to exert further pressure.
Bbackground information:
On 14 April 2014, after being incarcerated & tortured in the notorious Evin prison for 5 months, Roya Saberinejad was sentenced to 20 years. During the trial her lawyer was present but not allowed to speak on her behalf.
Her “crime” was expressing views about Iran’s Islamic régime on her Facebook page. She was charged with "gathering and participation with intent to commit crimes against national security" and "insulting Islamic sanctities", a crime which is punishable by death. For that, she was, along with 6 men & 1 other woman, sentenced by the Tehran Revolutionary Court to a total of 123 years.
She was subjected to physical and psychological torture, insults and humiliation, she was deprived of regular access to her medication, forced to stand outside in winter, in the cold, wearing wet clothes which have resulted in kidney problems. She was refused essential medication and was held in solitary confinement and was subjected to interrogation lasting several hours.
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht joined her husband in Stockport - Manchester in 2007. She was arrested in October 2013 while visiting her family in Iran.
Despite all the serious concerns, the British government has not taken any serious action to free Roya. It is the responsibility of the British Government to put pressure on the regime in Iran to release Roya Saberinejad Nobakht immediately and unconditionally.
Ways to help:
SIGN HER PETITION: http://chn.ge/1m9WZ7Y
LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/freeroyanow
WRITE TO: (sample letter is provided)
Philip Hammond, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs-UK on hammondp@parliament.uk
TO: The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
We, the undersigned, express our concern for the plight of Roya Saberinejad Nobakht, 48, a British citizen who has been in prison in Iran since October 2013 and was sentenced to 20 years in prison for posting an anti-government comment on Facebook. She has been subjected to physical and psychological torture in prison.
Roya Saberinejad Nobakht is a British citizen and the British government has a duty of care for her.
We request that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put pressure on the regime in Iran to release Roya Saberinejad Nobakht immediately.
Name: City/ Constituency
Free Roya Now campaign
For more information please contact:
Shiva Mahobi, Email: shiva.mahbobi@gmail.com , Tel: 07572356661
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